Friday, September 26, 2008

Another School Year!

The school year has begun and we are just finishing up our first month of being back to school. There are a lot of new things this year, Nikki has left grammer school behind and has moved up to the Middle School. Since she is our youngest this has been a milestone for us. We have our 504 plans in place allowing both Nikki and Patrick to test when they need to and covering all the other essential things that we felt needed to be in place. We are very fortuante that we have a school system that recognizes the needs of children with diabetes. When Nikki was first diagnoised she was the only child with type 1 diabetes in the school district, now as she enters 6th grade there are 5 type 1 children in her school. I strongly recommend to all parents and caregivers to make sure that you have a 504 Plan in place this will help you through out the school year.

I have found this first month of school very challenging, one issue we have had is with Patrick who is now 16 and driving (do you feel my stress level rising). He is also an awesome golfer and has been on the varisty golf team since 9th grade. He has just qualified for the sectionals at school. He is the only one on the team that has qualified. While this is a wonderful thing for him it requires that he be absent from school for a couple of days, and this also ties up his evenings till about 7:00. Which makes getting homework done in a timely manner and make up work done a little difficult (he's tired you know). I will be happy when it is over so we can get back to a regular schedule. With the schedule he has with golf it has been difficult to regulate his blood sugars, he is always afraid of going low especially out on the greens so he is not correcting his blood sugars correctly. We are waiting for more sensors to arrive so that we can see if we can get our sensors for both him and nikki to work correctly. I love the sensors but we have had a terrible time on having them work consistantly. Of course during the summer we were not able to really use because of all of the swimming. I am determined to get these working the right way so stay tune.

Nikki is loving the middle school, my big problem with her right now is that she goes to lunch tests and than doesn't bolus until like an hour later. She's been doing this now for a whole week, so i finally got a hold of her teachers who are going to try to remind her to test and bolus at lunch. (shes been doing this on her own for over a year) what's the reason why all of the sudden we can't remember to bolus? I am personally wondering if since we are in a new schoolthat maybe she doesn't have the comfort level yet to test and bolus in front of the other kids, i'am just guessing and trying to figure it out. I've resorted to calling her cell phone and next i'll have to start sending her to the nurse at lunch time, something i really don't want to do. I'am sure many of you have also had some of our struggles.

Nikki is really busy she just won the position of treasure for student council, and is doing ballroom dancing. She has put girl scouts on hold this year (whew 1 night of no running). She continues to love being in the christmas show at her dance studio and will start practice for that this weekend. Along with all of this she still makes time to take sewing lessons every saturday. She says she wants to be a designer! Last year she made her own halloween costume (a princess dress) and guess what she even built in her own pump pocket! Future designers beware! Our little designer has also really started to take a more active role in the types of pump packs,cases and styles of clothing items that she thinks others will like. So stay tune for some new energy in our speciality clothing line at Pump Wear.

Adam our oldest has now been on his own for 2 full months. He is happy and doing well, funny we notice that he is now working a lot more hours (do you think it has anything to do with supporting yourself). We have also seen a lot of growing up and responsibility. He has always been a great kid its just different seeing him on his own. He still makes time for his family Thursday nights are dinner and laundry at our house and Friday mornings its breakfast with mom. Mom's out there I think its hardest on us, I still can't believe he is living on his own. 4 guys is a apartment and all of them loving it!

As they continue to grow and mature, remember us moms can never get or give out enough hugs!