Tuesday, August 11, 2009

6 Ways To Gain Added Value From Your Pump Cases.

Both Dawn and I have used our pump paks for years even though we don’t have diabetes. Nikki also has found many interesting ways to wear and use her pump paks. So we thought it would be fun to share some different ways to get the most out of your pump paks even after you or your child has switched out to a new design or style. The picture above is Dawn’s daughter Justine who does not have diabetes, she uses our pump cases to carry her cell phone!

1. Slip more than one pump case onto your belt. You can mix and match them making your own fashion statement and the neat thing is that one can hold your pump and hold your cell phone or a small testing kit in the other.
2. Recycle your used pump cases as cell phone holders that or carry in your purse for your credit cards etc. Mom’s can even take advantage of their children’s old pump cases by reusing them for herself to hold a small test kit and placing it in your purse..
3. Slip a decorative scarf through the pump paks belt sleeve and secure by tying around your waste and you will be amazed how fashionable and cute it looks!
4. Use your used pump cases for your small test meter, poker and test strips.
5. Carry a small drink box in a spare pump pak or pop a tube of dex4 tablets into an old pump case and keep it in your purse or car.
6. Use your old pump case as a change purse!

These are just a few of the many ways to get more use out of a pump case. Its fun to have a collection of pump cases and even more fun to see how they can be used for so many other things.