Saturday, January 3, 2009

2009 Has Arrived!

2009 has arrived and we are ready! We have such an exciting year planned that I thought I would share many of the upcoming ideas you will be seeing!

First our forum has been revamped and now working (fingers crossed) those nasty spammers were hard to gain control of, but we are happy to have this forum back for all of you to enjoy, so please register and use! If you were a prior member you will have to reregister. Enjoy!

Next up you will see lots of new cases coming out. We are so happy to work with Girly Girl Studio and be able to offer you a lot of new cases with matching accessories, so you will truly have the ultimate in insulin pump fashion accessories for your insulin pump, along with stylish meter cases, fashionable pump cases and much more!

Coming soon in our clothing line are some Ladies Nightgowns with pump pockets (ladies you will love these) we've had lots of request for night wear for women and we were listening.

We will also be introducing more in the line of ladies essentials, boys t-shirts (with hidden pockets) and boxers just to mention a few of the upcoming items planned for 2009.

Our Caring and Sharing weekend is also underway, with all the families now notified we are planning all the fun things that will happen for this weekend. These families will have the opportunity to bond with other families with children with diabetes. We are so happy to have the Double H and all our wonderful sponsors that have made this possible. A special thanks to Nada and her gang at Diabetes Health that have helped to sponsor this event each year!

If you are like most of us you are probably happy to leave 2008 behind, for us it was a painful year with the passing of my father.

We are delighed to now be in 2009 and oh so happy with all we have planned.

So take a moment and reflect on a year gone by and take all your energy and place it into 2009 which we know will just be an awesome year!

To all our family and friends we want you to know that all your friends at Pump Wear are happy to help you with all your pumping needs, and we want to provide you with a diabetes community that you are happy with. Take time to view our Pump Wear Forum and tell your friends and diabetes support groups about it.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Julie & Dawn

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