Thursday, July 8, 2010

Adults? Not

Adults Right? Not!

Heres something Important for everyone to know if you have a child reaching the age of 18 and adult hood. Once they turn 18 they are considered and an adult and by law you have to have this young adults permission to get information about their health care and school records.

What this means is that as your son or daughter ventures off to college or the work world you will not be able to help them order medical supplies, talk with their doctors, get prescriptions filled or assist them in a medical emergency unless you have written permission giving you access to do so. You will not be able to get information about their grades and school life unless they allow you that access. You will of course still be responsible for this young adult, have to paid all of their bills and meet all of their needs. You just don’t have the ability to know what is going on behind the scenes unless they sign off. Yes parents you get to pay for college you just don’t get to know if they are actually going to class or passing.

Here’s how to stay in the loop! Have your child sign the forms allowing you access to school records. What if they don’t want to sign? I don’t want to pay, in our house it is as simple as that. Yes you have the right to privacy but when I am paying the bill out of respect you will give me access to know what the grades are.

Health care is another matter entirely you need to have written permission to talk with doctors, I have my son’s give a letter to their doctors offices and I also have a letter on hand so that in case of an emergency I can prove that it’s ok for them to talk with me.

I have been blessed that my sons have freely given us access to school and medical, however I have seen horror stories of young adults that have not signed for parents to access this information and parents not knowing their child has not gone to class for an entire semester yet they were responsible for the bill. I have also seen parents try to assist their young adults with insurance information only to be told that they don’t have the right to that information.

It’s Hipaa at it’s finest, and although I agree with this law, I don’t think it should be in effect till our children our out of school.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (P.L.104-191) [HIPAA] was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1996. It was originally sponsored by Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. Nancy Kassebaum (R-Kan.). ...

Julie, mom to Adam (21), Patrick (18) & Nikki Tyler (12.5) All Have Type 1 Diabetes

Visit us at Pump Wear Inc & Girly Girl Studio

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