Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Facebook Friends

Facebook Friends!

Something that I have been thankful to have found are the numerous friends on Facebook. I have found so many old friends along with making new ones.

What is really nice is that I never thought that I would consider Facebook a support system but I find that is exactly what it is. Whatever the time, place or occasion you can expect to find friends willing to encourage you and support you. There’s always someone available for a chat, always someone willing to give you answers to your questions.

So if you are out there and think that you are alone than come on over to Facebook and become a friend!

Thank you all my Facebook friends both Old and New I love connecting with you all!

Julie , Mom to Adam 21, Patrick 18 & Nikki Tyler 12 All Have Type Type 1

Visit us at Pump Wear Inc. & Girly Girl Studio

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